Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I Vish You 'Andsome Mahn: Hungary Day 12

Typical Hungarian Breakfast.

We got stickers from Denes Szabo, a teacher and conductor at the Kodaly Zoltan Primary School in  Nyíregyháza .
He was a great teacher, funny, and inspirational.  He even threw the music at his choir. It was awesome.
"Very difficult, very difficult."
That's about all of the English he knew.


Cute town.
Sweet picture.
Dr. Jaccard really liked this horse umbrella.

Today was a day of laughter.   To begin our day, we COMPLETELY got lost going from Debrecen to Nyíregyháza.  We may have been 1 hour and 1/2 late to our appointment this morning. Hence, the video of the day.  We didn't take one of being lost in Hungary, but this is a promo for LOST in Hungarian. That's similar, right?

Funny story number two.  There's no way to really explain it but this afternoon we walked over to the after-school music conservatory to observe a theory class and piano lesson.  The teacher of this piano lesson couldn't speak to us in English.  Instead, she spoke to us in German AND Hungarian.  She  was switching languages mid sentence!  Dr. Jaccard had a multi-language meltdown.  We were just enjoying watching the interactions.  To help this picture, she was probably 65 years old with big hair, lots of make-up, and a "fashion-forward" outfit.  As we were saying goodbye (the first time) she told us all in a German accent, "I vish you 'andsome mahn."  Something about wishing that all of us pretty girls will be married soon. At first we thought she somehow knew I was getting married but it was just her German/Hungarian confusing us all.

There was also the 17 year old boy who's piano lesson we observed.  He had the Kodaly hair-do going on with awesome crazy muscian/composer hair.  He was a sweet kid translating the best he could from Hungarian/German to English.
Some quality quotes:
"I'm homeless... NO!  I mean hopeless.  hehehe I'm not homeless."
(Completely seriously, he says while talking about what Mormons drink we say Milk) "*GASP!* But that comes from ... the cow!!"

We laughed so hard about our interesting afternoon at the conservatory.  It was wonderful.  None of us can quite put our finger on what it was, but just everything combined was so hilarious to.  We got a fantastic ab workout today!

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

Dave lived in Niregyhaza before he met me! It's so weird to see you to all these places I've been.

Oh and the milk comment is so true. When we lived there I used to go with Dave to lunch in the school cafeteria where he worked cause he got a free lunch. I noticed that the lunches never came with a carton of milk, but they had pitchers of what looked like Tang and water. Dave decided to ask his students about it. When he told them that we always had milk available at school lunch they all thought it was super strange and said that maybe a little kid would drink milk at breakfast, but that was it.