From the iPhone App:
1. In the bottom right corner, click on the three horizontal lines.2. Scroll down to the bottom and click, Privacy Shortcuts.
3. Chose friends or only me on each of the options. "Public" means anyone anywhere can view your information.
4. Go to the computer to change ALL past post to Friends.
From the Computer:
1. In the top right corner is a downward pointing arrow/triangle thing. Click on it.
2. Scroll down and select Settings.
3. On the left-hand side of the page, select Privacy.
4. Change "Who can see your future posts?" to "Friends".
5. Then go to "Limit the audience for posts you've shared..." and select "Limit Past Posts".
6. Click the button that says "Limit Past Posts". This will change all of your posts to Friends can view only, including old profile pics that you don't want creepers creeping on. With babies, this is especially important to me.
From the iPhone App:
1.In the bottom right corner, click on your profile pic.
2. In the top right corner click on the settings cog picture.
3. Scroll to down and find "Private Account".
4. Switch the button to the right to make your account private. Now only people you approve will be able to see your photos.
5. To go the extra mile, go through your followers list and "block" anyone you don't know. It's the only way to have them "unfollow" you.
From the iPhone App:
1. From the main screen click on the Snapchat ghost at the top middle of the screen.
2. Click on the security cog in the top right of the screen.
3. Click "Contact Me" and select "My Friends".
4. Go back, click "View My Story", and select "My Friends".
5. To go the extra mile, go back to screen that appears after you clicked the Snapchat ghost and select "My Friends".
6. Scroll through your friends and tap on anyone you do not know or trust.
7. Click on the security cog next to their name and select "Remove Friend". They will now no longer be able to view any of your snaps.
From the iPhone App:
1. Tap on "Me" in the bottom right corner.
2. Select the security cog to the right of your profile picture.
3. Tap on "Settings".
4. Select "Privacy and safety".
5. Switch the button to the right next to "Protect My Tweets". Now only people you approve will be able to see your tweet.
6. Switch the button to the right next to "Receive Direct Messages from anyone". Now only those you follow may message you.
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