Go ahead. Make your grossed out, gagging face. Shudder a little if you have to.
Now that you've got that out of your system, listen for a minute.
Spam is go–
No stop! No more gagging. Just hear me out. I even have a funny story but you have to stop making that face. Thank you.
Spam is good.
We have this favorite family casserole. The name had to be changed in order to stop people from pre-judging it. Spasserole! Also know as Spam Casserole. It is easily one of my favorite meals.
Once upon a time, back when Brett and I were engaged, I decided to make Spasserole for dinner. I served it to my roommates and fiancé without telling them what was in it. Everyone chowed down and complimented the tasty meal. When everyone was done eating I fessed up, "Everyone... I have to tell you something. You just ate Spam."
I had never seen Brett so mad at me in my life, nor have I seen him as mad at me since. He had a look of utter shock and disgust mixed with rage pasted on his face.
The conversation picked back up among my roommates but Brett just sat there. His face slowly turned from rage to shock to curiosity. After about 10 minutes, he picked up a piece of spam left in the dish and began examining the little square closely. After another few minutes, he mustered up the courage and popped it in his mouth. You could see him doing an analysis of the spam as he slowly chewed it. Then he declared, "Okay, spam is good!"
He's been a convert to Spam ever since.
If you don't believe Brett's conversion story, just ask my Hawaii buddies. In Hawaii, we will eat it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. McDonalds even sells it on their breakfast menu. Brett's favorite meal is Spam and Cabbage. Where did we get that recipe? Hawaii. And if you've never had a Spam Musubi, your taste buds are seriously missing out.
You're still skeptical. I can see that. You're worried about whatever strange processed parts they've thrown into that square of pre-cooked meat. Let me tell you a little secret... it's the shoulder of a pig and leftover scraps of ham... which is still pig. Then they mix salt, water, potato starch sugar, and sodium nitrite. That's it. Nothing mysterious about it. What we get is a tasty preserved meat that works great as a canned food item. My family has even been to the Spam Museum in Minnesota. There was nothing strange or gross about how they get Spam. (And it was a lot of fun too! Check it out!) The reason why Spam was created was because they didn't want to waste perfectly good parts of the pig after it was sliced into other things.
My fellow Americans, it is time to get rid of the Spam Stigma. Put your
big kid panties on, open your mouth, and give Spam a chance!
If you're too wimpy to risk a taste, I've had enough of your sour-faced judgements. Didn't your mother ever tell you, "Don't knock it 'til you've tried it"?
If you try it and don't like it, that's fine, we all have our preferences.
If you do like it, HIP-HIP-HOORAY! Share this blog and keep the love for Spam growing. Then come over for breakfast and we can eat Eggs & Spam together.
Spasserole Recipe
2 C. Macaroni, cooked
2 Cans Cream of Celery Soup
1 Can Spam, diced
1 can Diced Tomatoes
1 Green Pepper, diced
1/4 C. Chopped Onions
Parsley Flakes
Cheese to Taste
Brown onion and pepper in a little butter. Combine onion and pepper in a large bowl with cooked Macaroni, soup, spam, tomatoes, pepper, and onions. Pour into 9x13 pan. Sprinkle with cheese and parsley flakes. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until bubbly.